Tue, 04 Oct 2005

A billion will die from smoking

"What! Why is this in the 'Humor' category?", you ask, "How could a billion deaths be funny?"

The humor is in the evasion of reality by these boneheaded do-gooders. Ninety-nine point nine nine percent of those billion are going to die in the century anyway, regardless of their personal habits! As will approximately the same percentage of all humans now alive!

And while humorous, this kind of idiotic "logic" has a decidedly "dark" side as well: consider that every single person who ate a steak prior to the inception of USDA meat inspections is now dead. Therefore USDA Meat Inspection has saved every meat-eating American from a grisly death by "mad cow". Right?

Or this (an old favorite): God is Love, Love is Blind, Stevie Wonder is Blind, therefore Stevie Wonder is God.

A billion people could die from tobacco-related diseases such as cancer this century, a UK expert warns.

(link) [BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition]

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