Mon, 11 Sep 2006

Amateur boxing linked to brain cell injury

The short, layman's summation: if you beat somebody in the head, they're gonna lose some brain cells!

I have to wonder if the authors of this "study" weren't some of their own test subjects: anybody who couldn't deduce this bit of trivia from simply taking a ringside seat has an obvious shortage of brain cells themselves!

Rumor has it that the next exercise in idiocy from these folks will prove definitively that pain hurts...

A study of 14 Swedish amateur boxers suggests that they have higher levels of certain chemicals in their cerebrospinal fluid in the days following a bout, indicating injuries to neurons and other cells important to brain function, according to a report in the September issue of Archives of Neurology, one of the JAMA/Archives journals.

(link) [EurekAlert!]

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