Wed, 29 Jun 2005

Sorry 'bout that!

No posts yesterday - it was an incredibly busy day. Of course, Tuesday's always are around here: that's when I run the delivery route. But yesterday was worse...

I suppose I should preface by telling you that we have garnered a bunch of new customers, mostly from an ad that's breaking in the Zionsville Times-Sentinel (they have an article coming out on the farm as well) and on the inclusion of our delivery service in the email newsletter run by Trader's Point. So it was going to be busier than usual anyway, when the milk cooler broken down.

The temperature here was slated to reach 95° F, so without a working cooler, I had to load the perishable products up into picnic coolers, pack them with ice, and run fast! The the storms started popping up, and the cooler (without ice) that I used to store the bread began to leak. So I emptied the cooler, packed the bread into the front seat beside me, and tried to navigate to several new locations. What a pain in the ass!

Getting home about three, I went to feed the chickens - and noticed that we were out of supplemental feed! Shit! So Kris and I went up to Lafayette to pick up a bag until I can get some more ordered bulk, and decided to go out to eat while were were up there.

Getting back home about 9:30 pm, I checked my mail and noticed something highly unusual: no SPAM. In fact, I had no email at all, and neither did Kris. Uh-oh... it turned out that qmail had died on our main server, overrun by runaway mailing list manager that a customer maintains.

So I frantically log on and start killing rogue processes, finally getting everything back to normal after midnight.

And having started yesterday morning before 6, I just collapsed into the sack. So no blogging. Sometimes, it seems, I get a real life...

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