Mon, 13 Dec 2004

Winter Has Arrived

And a couple of weeks early, at that! The wind was howling here all night: out of the northwest at 30 mph, with gusts up to 50 mph. And while the air temp isn't too extreme, the wind chill make it feel like it's approaching 0°F. Burrr...

Peanut returned from his petting zoo gig yesterday, only to find his surrogate momma (Wulfie) mysteriously gone. Funny how cattle can bond: since Peanut and Wulfie were the only cows here for a couple of months, they'd formed a herd of two: now that we have all of our cattle back on the property, one with a new calf (who's doing just fine), and the herd cow gone, Peanut's at a bit of a loos. He hesitates to eat with the rest of the herd, and stands off a considerable distance when grazing ... he'll get reintegrated eventually, but it's interesting to watch the social dynamics up close.

It makes me feel sorry for the beasts that are jammed together in feedlots: they have no real opportunity to form a herd - they're just a disjointed group. And it's no wonder that they get sick more frequently than free range cattle: they've gotta be stressed to the max.

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