Well, I've taken a few minutes and fixed some of the problems that have slowly crept into my blog template.
Technorati has stopped displaying my profile correctly: they either give an error message or say I don't have any claimed blogs. I can't seem to fix it in my profile, either. They had an outage last weekend, and I'm not sure things are completely fixed on their end. Never mind: I replaced the link to my profile with a simple search on Technorati for references to MacRaven.
They seem to also be displaying self-references now as well: which is annoying. Oh well, you get what you pay for, I suppose.
I've also replaced my weather marker: it now goes to Weather Underground rather than Paul Poteet's site (a local TV weatherman), as he can't seem to keep his images displaying properly. I originally liked his site better (even though I link to Weather underground from the main page of haxton.org) as he had a better link to NWS radars. But he changed that last week, too, so bye-bye Paul!
I dumped Chadd Wheat's site from the blogroll. He's a very funny guy, but he doesn't seem to get the whole concept of blogging - updates should be more frequent that every two months - and the link was just taking up space.
Well, it's out to the coop for me: time to feed the little bastards.
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