As I sit typing this post the outside air temp is 49°F. Yesterday it hit 61°F - the "normal" (whatever that is anymore) temperature around here this time of year hardly ever breaks 20°F.
The cattle are getting ready venture out to the pasture to graze, with a bit of extra equipment. We've had two inches of rain since the New Year began, six days ago. My chickens are starting to get webbing between their feet. The fleeces still on the backs of my sheep are turning into felt. I've noticed that the goats are eying the pool toys stored in the barn loft, and thinking maybe they should learn to balance and twirl beach balls as opposed to pulling carts. And I've caught myself with a strange craving for fresh fish.
If this keeps up, I'll have to rethink my entire religious perspective. Maybe take up a new hobby. Ark building ....
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On 1/6/2007 12:52:51
Mark Rouse wrote