Well, I actually have some time this morning, so I've updated the look of the blog a bit. I put in my little quote generator: it now appears below the blog description in the sidebar. I've missed it a bit since I made the blog my homepage: it's on the front of my main personal page and usually has something "pithy" to contribute ...
If anybody's interested in getting this little bit of PHP code, just drop me a note and I'll be happy to oblige. The quotes are in a separate file, so there's no reason to be restricted to my electic selections.
I'm debating whether or not to remove the links to Technorati... they seem to have gotten considerably less informative and useful since their site redesign: most of the links they list for any blog now are self-referential.
And I'm not removing the "Powered by Blogrolling" blogroll, either, although I've noticed that it no longer scans the web for updates as frequently as it used to do, nor does it seem to catch those blogs that don't ping weblogs.com. I may investigate a paid sub, though, if that works any better. It's a really useful little tool.
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