Well, I've had my first problem with an Apple computer. The optical drive in my Powerbook G4 died, rendering me unable to view DVD's or use CD's on the machine.
Most of the time, I have no real use for either function, but since I had ponyed up the extra $250 for their extended warranty when I purchased the machine a year ago, I figured I'd better just have it fixed. Besided I was going to be in Indy anyway, so I could just drop it off at the local Apple Store. I figured I'd just have to do without a laptop for a few weeks.
I was pleasently surprised. My diagnosis of the problem was correct, and yes, they'd have to send it back to the factory for repairs (common with laptops of any variety) but they went above and beyond the call of duty here: they provided me with a loaner laptop! Cloned my hard drive off to it, so I have all my software and music, too.
Apple has consistantly surprised me with their attention to detail over the course of the past two years - and this now extends to their service department as well. My only complaint: they weren't open on Labor Day! But with this level of service, I think I'll overlook that minor annoyance.
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