It's been a pretty slow news day - at least on the computer/technology front. However, back on the farm, it's been anything but slow.
I managed to get all of the wood from our lost redbud tree collected and moved into the east paddock. I also got the old woodpile outside of the garage reloacted to the same location. The goats and lambs love it - they have a new obstacle for their course, and I have a unified pile of firewood.
I posted a sale notice this morning for Lyra, a Highland heifer that we've scheduled with the packer for the 26th. Within less than 6 hours I had sold the entire animal - and this to a list of less than 30 names! Better still was the fact that we had two repeat customers in the bunch - it says something about quality when they come back for seconds.
Hopefully, I'll get my "moot post" completed by tomorrow night, but right now I'm gonna pop a squat and watch Koyaanisqatsi. If you've never seen this movie, rent it or buy it. You will not be disappointed - it's essentially a 90 minute music video: but the music is by Philip Glass, and it's nothing short of exquisite.
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