Sun, 06 Jul 2003

Sogged Out

Well, missed a day posting! I don't miss many, and yesterday, well, I can honestly say it wasn't due to any lack of diligence on my part.

Since Friday afternoon we have had almost 8 inches of rain! Most of it came in the form of pretty serious thunderstorms - there have been three tornado touchdowns in Boone County (no serious damage, mercifully) and things are still terribly unsettled, weather wise.

So, due to all the lightning our systems got a real rest yesterday. Played on the laptop a little bit last night, but it wasn't online, as we were concerned about our router taking a lightning strike!

Pretty strange stuff - Kokomo got over 11 inches of rain in 24 hours yesterday, so I guess it could be worse!

I've got some serious news/group reading to do - I'm sure there'll be some posting activity today.

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