Well, I don't think I'll have to go to the hospital. The antibiotic seems to be working, I've not had a serious rise in temperature for twenty four hours now, and am feeling better. Still feel like I got run over by a truck, and am certainly not out romping in the snow by any means, but I am feeling better. That's a Good Thing™
The downside is that Lorraine and I are missing the Feast of Vali today with our kinsfolk of Ravenswood. This is the Founding Day of the Kindred, and the blot at which the next years calendar is set. But I sure don't want to pass whatever it really was that deviled me last week around my kinsfolk! Especially if it was a form of pneumonia.
Since we can't be there in person, here's a toast from afar to our kinsfolk: the motto of the Kindred of Ravenswood, the toast with which every sumbel is closed:
To Vali! To Vengence! To Honor! To Kin!
May the Blessings of the Shining Gods and Goddesses of Our Folk continue to shine upon our endeavors! Hail Ravenswood!
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