I made a number of very minor changes to the templates here tonight. I'd noticed that sometimes an initial load of the blog wouldn't render correctly: the left index column was very wide, pushing the main body of text off the screen to the right.
This seemed to happen more often with Gecko based browsers (Mozilla, Firebird, Camino) than with others. I finally found the problem - a failure to close a table cell. That seems to have straightened things up nicely.
But in the course of my futzing around, I noticed how different the popular browsers can render a page. For example, in Internet Explorer for Mac, the left most column is always wider than in any other browser. Safari puts a border around the outer edge of the main table (not the cells). Firebird (my personal default browser regardless of platform) renders the top menu slightly to the right of where the other browsers render it, even those based on the same rendering engine!
I also took the opportunity to add a new "category" - musings. This is actually the catch all place where things that don't fit elsewhere end up. It's in the "Home" directory, which is how it shows up in the permalink and breadcrumb traces, but I didn't want to call it "Home" for fear of confusion with the whole blog. Call it a holdover from my Radio days ...
Hopefully nobody reading this has seen these artifacts: I don't think they've ever shown up here in IE, and that's by far and away the most popular browser out there. But let me know if you do encounter rendering anomolies: I want to get this silly thing up to speed and validate it, someday.
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