Wed, 09 Jun 2004


We have a new bottle baby at Hammerstead: Peanut(his name for the time being, until we can think of something more suitably Scottish) is a registered Highland. He's two weeks old, and was not being taken care of by his momma. The guy we bought him off of didn't want to be bothering feeding a bottle calf, so we picked him up for virtually a song! Can't beat that!

He weighs about 100 lbs. already, and feeding him makes us long for the sedate days of feeding bottle lambs and kids - when this guy does the "head slam to the teat" routine, it's enough to nearly break your arm! Just as a trivial aside, he drinks six quarts of milk daily, and is already starting to browse on the pasture as well.

But he'll grow up pretty tame and (hopefully) gentle with humans: which will make him the perfect "ambassador" to Highland games, farm markets and other venues where you normally wouldn't want to take a full grown steer. We'll see.

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