Mon, 06 Apr 2009

News from the Home Front

but not much from the outside - at least not yet. My sweetie broke her news fast for a short surf this afternoon, and I must confess to swiftly scanning my aggregator's output as I deleted it's accumulation of stories this evening, but over all we're still pretty news free.

Yesterday was very wet, and today has been very cold - for April, anyway. Hard freeze forecast tonight. Discovered the garage leaks - left a tray of hand tools out and found it filled with water yesterday afternoon.

It was certainly too wet to roto-till the garden this weekend, so we treated ourselves to a dinner out and a trip to Half-Price Books - first time we've done that in ages. Lorraine picked up an expansion pack for her favorite computer game for a mere $2, and I got a used copy of Pirates of the Caribbean for $4.98. Cheap thrills these days, eh?

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