Mon, 29 Mar 2004

New Arrivals

The population at Hammerstead Farms increased by two this morning
as good old #87, formerly of Hillock O'Carns, gave birth to twins.

Here's a better look at one of the newbies:

Mother and babies are just fine: the birth was unattended (a rarity for sheep in this "modern, progressive" day and age) and we pretty much let things take their course - standing by to intervene if required. We did build a couple of pens and bring the lambs and mom into the barn tonight, as the temperature is supposed to plummet - cold is not good for newborns of any mammal species! It was nearly 80º F today - by tomorrow night we're expecting a spring snow and a hard freeze. We have a saying here: if you don't care for the weather, stick around - it'll change! Especially in March.

And despite the cold, we're sleeping with the window cracked open and the rifle by the bed: nothing attracts coyotes like new lambs, and we've spotted a pack of the little bastards down the road a piece.

All in all, a busy day indeed ...

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