Wed, 24 Dec 2003

Moving News

Whew! I completed a major redesign of today - in preparation to mving the blog over there. Figured I'd take the opportunity to get rid of some of the darkness hanging around - lightened the backgrounds, redid the menus, added all my stories from here to there.

I also made it back thru November putting titles on these posts to make indexing in Blosxom easier. What a royal pain! The only time Radio uses titles is in the RSS feed - otherwise they're ignored. Blosxom depends on titles to build it's indices - hence the problem.

The export tool by Andy Fragen is quite useful - not perfect, but very, very appreciated!

I also managed to get AmphetaDesk running on the Big Mac as a daemon (of sorts). Hacked a little Perl - I'm no Perl God, but I am getting fairly proficient at hacking on Perl sources. Now I gotta do a bit of hacking to get a "post" button for the blasted thing operating, and a bit more to get an automatic "upstreaming" function for my new setup.

Lot's to do, but it's gonna be fun.

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