More Changes to MacRaven

Well, back on pico direct to the local blog... I've been in a terminal window all night, so leaving it just to post an update didn't seem quite right.

You'll notice that I've eliminate the background image from the story window(s)- it was just oo tough for this old fart and his bifocals to read. I also blocked in the comments (and editing, locally) forms with a grey to make them stand out a bit more.

I moved the <hr> tags above the title of the post - this should make it a bit more readable. I've also sorta settled into a convention for aggregator posts, where the blurb from the news source will appear last in the post, italicized.

I also have email notification (to me, of course) working for comments, and I should be pinging - we'll see after this post.

Behind the scenes I had to hack some more on Blagg - seems as though some news feeds output their XML in a slightly different order, so the regexp in Blagg (it doesn't use an XML parser) would barf every once in a while - putting the comments in the link tag and vice-versa. I just duped the loop where the regexp was executing and added another little field in my rss.dat file to hand the different orders. Clumsy and kludgy, but it works, and I'd still like to get a better aggregator going at some point: the problem is finding one.

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