Here's another classic animation. And like the Big Fight, I have no idea who to credit for this one - I got it via email from a joke list I'm subbed on.
Trying my best to be a good netizen, I did what any geek does when confronted with a mystery of this sort: I Googled for it.
I didn't find it, but I did run into Chickenman, which is "pure" ASCII animation - that is, it's done mostly with JavaScript, although it can be done with Java and there is a downloadable jmov available. It's pretty funny, too, especially given my current involvement with chickens, but it's also pretty primitive compared to the guy at the left.
Then I ran across this wonderful [apparently Swiss] page, simply titled "ASCII". If you're into this sort of thing, you've got to check out their HTML ASCII movies. They've used CSS very cleverly, and can actually shrink the displayed characters to minic "real" graphics. A fascinating approach.
I no longer feel as though I have too much time on my hands ...
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