Sun, 27 Mar 2005

Mom's Home

They released my momma from the hospital this morning - good news, indeed. She's a whole lot better, and has pretty much "recovered" from the flu itself. But she still needs to get her strength back, and will need lots of help around the house for at least a week or so.

After we got her ensconced this afternoon, we picked up some stuff from the supermarket for her and fixed lunch. Kris whipped up the best damn Reuben I've ever had, including the one I ate at a Jewish deli in NYC several years ago. Mom agreed, and managed to eat her entire (huge) sandwich. So her appetite's back - another good sign.

We let mom rest after lunch and came on home for some work that'd fallen through the cracks last week. I finished refurbishing a ten-hole nest box and got it mounted in the Big House. That bumps the capacity of that barn to about 200 hens, so it's only half full. Gotta get some more birds!

I was very disturbed, however, to discover that our sole feather footed chicken, a Brahma, had developed a serious respiratory infection. I've never seen such a sick chicken. So she got the ax - I think I got her in time so that it doesn't spread through the flock. She was the only bird we had that had actually brooded a chick, and the chick showed no sign of illness. Hated to lose her - she was a very cool looking bird strutting about the barnyard.

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