Thu, 17 Mar 2005

A Minor Emergency

Sorry for the lack of posts yesterday, but we were dealing with a minor family medical emergency. My mom came down with a flu (not the flu, however, whatever that means ...) on Monday evening, and by Tuesday after I'd completed my egg route we had to run her into the emergency room. We were scared to death - her temperature peaked at 104°F, and she was pretty delirious. Flu, colds and upper respiratory infections are never good things, but when you hit 81 they're really not good at all.

Mom's doing alot better. I spent most of yesterday with her and Rhiannon came up and spent the night with her last night. The cough syrup they gave her is working well, and things are clearing up. Whew!

My S-10 is in the shop today getting ready for the drive to Missouri and the Meadhall Moot, so I plan to catch up on posting and work in the barns and henhouses. Lot's of exciting stuff - if you consider chicken shit exciting!

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