Sun, 18 May 2003

Kitties in the Wall

Another busy night last evening - one of our barn cats, Fracas, who had a litter of kittens, disappeared, apparently falling prey to a coyote. This left 5 starving kittens less than 5 weeks old.

Another momma cat, Baby, whose spring litter had prematurely expired from natural causes, adopted the kittens. Except for one: Fracas had chosen a stall wall as the perfect hiding place for her litter, and one of the kittens had grown too big to get out the way the others did, and was too small to climb like like her mother had! Kinda reminded me of the story about the guy who built the sailboat in his basement, and had to tear his house down to get it out....

So we were faced with a choice - listen to the horrible mewling of a dying kitten for a couple of days everytime we went to the barn, or take down the wall we had constructed last fall (using 9 inch pole barn nails, incidentially) and resuce the little bugger. We chose the latter course.

Finally got the panels removed about 1 am..... finally retrieved the kitten about 2. All I can say is that Baby had best take good care of that one - it too me another two hours today to refit the panel and reseat the base flashing. What a pain in the ass!

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