I've been stymied all day trying to get the simplest of mail configurations to work on this f***ing Linux piece of sh*t box!
I may have finally got it, but it's no wonder Novell offers "tech support with every box" - they need it! What took me 10 minutes to set up on my Mac took 9 hours on this system. It wasn't pretty...
On a more positive note, I got a call today from a job I'd applied to two weeks ago - as an advertising writer. They wanted somebody who was cynical and outspoken, the ad said, so I sent off a letter and a programmers resume. Got an interview out of it, anyway - we'll see. That would be a fun job, I think.
Now, it's time to take a break.
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On 11/9/2006 08:42:39
Arwin wrote
Try Ubuntu distro
On 11/9/2006 14:13:30
lwood wrote
On 11/9/2006 15:46:04
Arwin wrote
Ubuntu based on Debian