I have always loved the Frisbee™ - I probably own 30 of them of various sizes and designs. Tossing between friends or playing disc golf has been my favorite outdoor pastime for years. And last evening, while randomly surfing, I discovered that it was on this date in 1957 that the Wham-O concluded a deal with the inventor of the "Pluto Platter" and began production. It wasn't until 1958 that the Frisbee Baking Company went out of business and the name was applied to the flying disc, but the product itself is 49 today.
Coincidentally (or synchronistically?) January 13th, 1957 also happens be the day I made my personal debut. And this is the last year that either I or the Frisbee™ will be able to claim to be "forty-something". Strange world, eh?
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On 1/13/2006 21:51:30
orangeguru wrote
On 3/20/2006 09:11:19
Guest wrote