Hammerstead Farms got a lot of local press in July, and I finally managed to find the time to scan in the articles and post them. The scanning is a bit rough: my flat bed scanner only handles 8.5 x 11 inch paper, and these were news sheet sized (one is an entire page, the other a half page). One's full color, too, and with the bleed from the back of the page it kinda made one side darker than the other. But with judicious cutting and pasting, I managed to assemble reasonable (and readable) facsimiles. I figured I'd better do this before I take Big Mac apart this afternoon and replace the main drive!
Basically the articles are the same: they were written by the same reporter, although the layout is different, and the one from the Reporter is edited for brevity. But since it's only my second 15 minutes of fame, and probably my last (time is running out!), I'm posting both! The article from the Lebanon Reporter can be found here (672k) and the one from the Zionsville Times Sentinel is here. (1.3m)
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