Sun, 11 Apr 2010

Fiber Event 2010

Well, it's over and done and another year - and despite good weather and a two day stand by our booth, we actually didn't do much better than last year. The crowds were even thinner.

What saved the day was Lorraine's already skeined yarn, and some junk fleece we sold at $10/bag. Without those it would've been a complete waste.

Of course, due to the event and good weather here, we actually have about half the flock sheared already, and all of our inventory is sorted and priced (which explains the lack of posting here the past week or so). And we got some excellent feedback on our breeding program, about which I'll have more to say later. So it wasn't a complete loss. But it does give me pause to wonder if the so-called economic recovery that's allegedly underway is just a figment of somebody's imagination...

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