Mon, 26 May 2003

Fencing, fencing

More fencing today - set about twenty feet on the east side of the paddock. This had long needed done, the only fence that was there when we started were some rotten old boards and a couple of strands of barbed wire that weren't attached to anything. Really strange stuff - all this was backed by two wooden gates (!) that had been tied to the fence posts with baling wire! Real secure...

Even though it was a short run, it took us longer (about 7 hours) than yesterdays run of nearly 100 feet. We had to dig out some mis-set tee posts, and wrap to the barn side by lag bolting a 2x4 to the corner post of the barn. Of course, that had to be done higher than the fence, because the main support post for the barn has some serious dry rot problems! Yow! This meant that we had to find a long brace to serve against the bolted "post" so we could use the strecher.

It was a real pain in the ass, but it looks alot better, and we'll be able to set a water tank so that the stock can get to it from the paddock or the pasture. It's also close enough to the barn to be able to run a heater to it this winter, should that be necessary.

Needless to say we're both beat. So it's early to be for me this evening.

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