Death is Not a Stranger Anymore
Well, I got a call from Mom tonight - my aunt is in ICU in a Florida hospital following heart surgery. No idea if she'll make it or not - but she is 84....
The older I get the more it seems that death is all around. I know it's just a question of point of view (I'm older, and so are a lot of the people I know ....) but nonetheless, it sure does set one thinking.
One of the main functions of any religion is explaining the afterlife (or lack thereof) and death itself. I have started towards that in the context of my own faith (see the Meditations in the Asatru category of this web log - there are 4 so far) but I really need to expand and tie them all together into some sort of coherent thread.
This calls for a longer essay than I have time for this morning - I just finished up coding some power management revisions to USB driver for Windows and I'm pretty beat. Kris'll be gone this weekend though - up to Michigan to check out some Icelandic sheep, so perhaps I'll have the time to sit and write a bit more.
If I don't have to take a long trip south.
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