Tue, 27 May 2003

Catch a Falling Momma

Well, missed another day! But, seeing as how I just got back from taking my mom to the hospital, I think I have a reasonable excuse!

She fell, about 4:30pm, in her living room. She initially thought she tripped over the cat, but then thought she may have had a "dizzy spell", whatever that means. She told us she was fine, but we insisted on coming in to see her after dinner, and got there about 8:30. By 9 we were at the emergency room.

Got some more work done in the barn lot earlier today - Kris went in with her Dad and Julie and planted flowers at the cemetary, as is our custom. I managed to break my glasses - the nosepad fell off when cleaning, so I imagine that I'll be over at LensCrafters sometime tomorrow.

I'm supposed to get to work on some comm code tonight, but frankly, I just too toasted. Off to bed for me ....

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