Thu, 02 Jun 2005

The Campaign Begins

Well, we've undertaken a product line expansion and initiated a marketing campaign. There's a new ad breaking today in The Lebanon Reporter, and I've sent a press release to the local media.

Basically, we'll be delivering organic whole milk from Trader's Point Creamery and French bread from Breadsmith's of Indianapolis in addition to our own eggs and meats. We've purchased and refitted a small trailer with a milk cooler and a bread rack, so my little S-10 should be able to pull things just fine. Our first run is going to be next Tuesday.

It's a big step - our credit is drawn to the limits, and the financial stress is very high, but we're confident that this will take off. We'll probably never get rich from it, but who wants to be rich, anyway? I just want to make enough cash to survive without worry, doing a job I love. And if it works out, this is it.

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On 6/3/2005 06:38:51
JdJ wrote

Good luck


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