Sun, 29 Nov 2009

Busy Times

Well, it's that time again, when we take the portable petting zoo up to Dull's, and the fun and mayhem begins! But it's also our most profitable time for farm products, so we're not complaining! Traffic has been great, and so far things are going very, very well! I should mention that the barn at the farm is part of a contest to get completely refurbished - vote for it if you can!

We took a somewhat different crew this year - here's one of the new ones:

Chunky Buns
Chunky Buns

I'll try to get some more pix up as soon as I can, and also some new photos of our newest grandchild - finally got to meet Drew yesterday, as the family came down from Chicago for a visit. The daughter will be back for a longer visit over Yule - and we'll get to see more of the little fellow then, I'm sure.

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