Mon, 08 Mar 2004

Skipped a couple of days, am gonna skip a few more

Well, I hadn't meant to skip 2 days - Saturday was busy, but with the fascinating, quasi-religious experience I had that evening I was sure I'd write much about it yesterday.

But alas! Yesterday came and went, and I managed to sleep most of the day. Felt like a complete, lazy slug, too, but with the benefit of 20/20 hindsight, it's a good thing I got so much shut-eye. I'm gonna need it.

My Aunt Jean passed away this morning in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida. She was 85. I'm leaving for the funeral in a couple of hours: Kris has to stay here again. This is the real downside to living on the farm: the ewes are ready to drop any day now, and we can't very well leave newborn lambs unattended to serve as coyote food. So one of us has to stay - and as it's my aunt who passed on, it's my lot to travel.

With any lucck whatsoever, I'll be ddriving back via North Carolina to see Hilary, and then via Greensboro for a business stop. I'm going to try to be back in a week, but no promises.

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