Weekends keep getting busier than weekdays around here - I suppose it's because we're both home Saturday and Sunday, and we really use the time up.
We finally got the guy who loaned us his ram last year the ewe we owed him. He came up with his oxen to Dull's Tree Farm, where we have (in conjunction with Kevyn) a petting zoo set up. So we split the ewe lamb we called "GI Jane" off yesterday morning and trucked her up. She's a wild one - tough as nails and hard to handle. But she's also has about the best conformation of any of our crop from last spring, so all in all he got a good deal. But we won;t be using his rams again, as he's just a hassle to deal with. He never seems to want to come out here, we always have to go to him. And as he lives by Muncie that gets problematic.
We finally got the chicken area of the barn cleaned out yesterday afternoon - OK, actually we only got half of it cleaned out, but it's enough to get the goats and ram lambs inside. Since we brought the cattle back home, Chip (the herd sire) has been taking up residence in the big stall they used, and since he's considerably larger, they've been staying outside. Not a problem this week, but as it gets colder it'll get worse, so we figured we'd best prepare a place for them to hang out.
We didn't take the goats up to Dull's as we'd planned last summer, as they're just not big enough to pull carts yet. Next year, maybe.
Today we spent inside cleaning up and rearranging. Kris wanted to "de-knick-knack-ify", so we put alot of stuff up and moved a bunch of stuff around. We found the wireless audio transmitter that I used to use to pipe my MP3 player thru the Bose, and hooked it up so that we could seperate the stereo cabinet and the televison, and still have sound thru the stereo. As a bonus, we can now play regular TV (as opposed to just the VCR or DVD players) to the Bose.
I also found a small air compressor that I'd used with a airbrush several years ago, and I cleaned it up to rig it to an egg cleaner. That should save some time and work, especially as I'm selling 24 dozen a week now, and the egg business just figures to get bigger.
So maybe I'll find time to read the news and make some pithy comments tomorrow, but for now I'm just going to hit the sack.
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