Thu, 17 Jul 2003

A Fine Day to be on the Farm

It was a BEAUTIFUL day - clear, 75 degrees, not a cloud in the sky and only the lightest of breezes. I spent most of the afternoon outdoors - hence the lack of posts. I did manage to ship my latest project off to my employer this morning - had to finish the help file, and I just pooped out doing it about 1 am, so I cleaned it up this morning.

We got the last of the construction lumber left over from the remodel last year burned! Whew! We sure had a mess of it - kinda hated doing it after I doscovered that I was disturbing the home of, of, a dozen or so snakes! They really like the flat boards.

But after I moved them away and got them burning the chickens had a field day. You would have thought an "Old Country Buffet" for hens had just opened - imagine all the chitin coated goodies that were lurking under that old wood!

Now to read the news: maybe something's happening out there! Who knows?

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