Mon, 27 Dec 2004

Steinbeck's Hometown to Close Libraries

And it's not going to be alone:

Libraries nationwide are struggling. According to an April study by the Chicago-based American Library Association, libraries in 41 states absorbed more than $50 million in funding cuts in the past year. More than 1,100 libraries have reduced operating hours or cut staff.

Books, libraries and literacy have been the carriers of civilization for generations. Now we're replacing Shakespeare with "Fear Factor", and TS Eliot with Howard Stern: what does this forbode for our future? Not all change is bad, to be sure, but neither is all change good. Change is simply inevitable. And quite often very scary.

AP - So how would Steinbeck have reacted to the news that the cash-strapped city is closing its libraries in the spring?

(link) [Yahoo! News: Top Stories]

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