Most–and least–rewarding careers
This is just a bizarre article: he lists engineers and programmers as excellent and good career choices, then mentions in passing that most of those jobs are going to India and China for 20% of current US salaries! He rates clergy as an excellent career choice - then mentions you don't even have to believe in god (or, presumably, gods) to do it! Police officer is rated 'poor' while firefighter is rated 'good' - and both have nearly equivalent satisfaction ratings. Huh?
Curiously enough, he lists the most dangerous job (in terms of getting killed or injured) as farmworker. Yeah, I can see that...
The popular book The Jobs-Rated Almanac attempts to rate careers. Alas, in its attempt to be as objective as possible, it seems to have missed the mark. For example, its No. 2-rated career is actuary. Yes, it's lucrative and the working conditions safe, but most people would find a life of analyzing insurance statistics, pardon the pun, deadly.
(link) [U.S. News & World Report]
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