Fri, 18 Mar 2005

Lawmakers Widen Schiavo Right-To-Die Fight


I'm going to say this in as public a way as I know how: if I'm ever diagnosed as being in a persistent vegetative state and remain so over a decade, pull the fucking plug!

Don't let some possessed family member prolong my existence for some stinking principle. And just so you'll know I'm serious I've attached a PGP signature to the bottom of this post, including all of the markup and text except the title.

AP - As a deadline loomed, U.S. Senate Republicans sought to keep severely brain-damaged Terri Schiavo alive Friday with an invitation to bring her to Washington, and an attorney for her parents said they hoped the move would buy them more time.

(link) [Yahoo! News: Top Stories]

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On 3/19/2005 22:55:00
Jason Pitzl-Waters wrote

There are times...

On 6/7/2005 10:10:46
iq wrote



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