Tue, 05 Jun 2007

Extra pay does not improve hospital performance

Here's a true "Study in Stupidity" for ya - and it should be patently obvious as to why.

Hospitals do not deliver health care: in fact, one could generalize and say that organizations don't deliver anything. People do. Doctors, nurses and other hospital contractors and employees deliver health care, and this incentive program had nothing whatsoever to do with them. In fact, I'd wager that those hospitals participating in the program probably stressed their employees more in the hopes of increasing their margins because of the program, possibly leading to worse health care actually delivered.


Paying hospitals extra money does not appear to significantly improve the way they treat heart attack patients or how well those patients do. But giving hospitals the information that they need to improve heart attack care does help.

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On 6/6/2007 06:38:38
Arwin wrote

Money also


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