Thu, 09 Feb 2006


is the number of posts (not counting this one) made on MacRaven since I started this madness three years ago today. I've been through a name change (it started as the Raven Banner), two blogging tools (Radio and Blosxom), three URL's, four news aggregators (Radio, AmphetaDesk, Blagg and my current home rolled version) and several redesigns. I've dropped and added services (notably Blogrolling and AdWords), banners and bumper stickers.

There have been over 500 legitimate comments posted, and nearly 20,000 SPAM comments deleted.

I've not made a single cent from this endeavor - no donations or hits from AdWords. But that's OK - it was never the point.

The point was having a soapbox - and I've got one. As a wild guess from the log files, I'd guess that I've got about 250 regular readers. According to Technorati (when it's available, which is rare these days), 32 unique sites link here, some to individual posts but most of which have me blogrolled.

Getting off the soapbox for a minute, this enterprise has had a secondary effect that I have found most gratifying. I've made a lot of new friends, and reconnected with more than a few old and dear ones. And I have y'all to thank for that!

/Home | 2 writebacks | permanent link

On 2/9/2006 14:59:05
Dan wrote

On 2/9/2006 15:56:27
Arwin wrote


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