Wed, 20 Aug 2003

Open Source Guitars

Not being a musician (or anything resembling it) I'd never heard of Sterling Ball. But he does a GREAT interview on why he's gone 100% Microsoft free, and it's noteworthy that it was an audit by the BSA than initially set him off. I think he was being a bit petulant in rejecting Apple as being "owned by Microsoft", but hey: his heart's in the right place, which is with his employees and customers.

This story should serve as an object lesson to those who demand strict and absolutle compliance with copyright law in a digital age. When your business model demands that you treat customers like thieves and criminals, your customers are probably going to go elsewhere.

Rockin' on without Microsoft. Sterling Ball, whose company is the world's leading maker of premium guitar strings, explains why he made the move to open source and why he's never looked back since. [CNET]

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