More stupidity from Washington. I used to respect Orrin Hatch, but boy, he's showing his true savvy now...
Back in the bad, old days, Before Computers, wasn't kiddie porn traded via good old Snail Mail? Do you recall any efforts to shut down the postal service because of it? That's odd, neither do I!
I love the quote from the EFF:
Wendy Seltzer, an attorney with the Electronic Frontier Foundation, said the Senate was using the ever-popular political cause of cracking down on child porn as a pretext to target peer-to-peer networks. There are plenty of other technologies that pornographers employ that lawmakers leave alone.
"We don't have hearings calling the photo industry to task when their film is used to create child porn," Seltzer said. Like photo companies, decentralized peer-to-peer networks can't control what individuals do with their products.
P2P Taken to Task for Child Porn. File-trading services got a drubbing at a Senate committee hearing on peer-to-peer networks and pornography. Orrin Hatch even asks whether it would make sense to shutter file-swapping services altogether. By Joanna Glasner. [Wired News]
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