Sun, 14 Nov 2004

Tech Giants Bankrolling IP Hoarding Start-Up

I used to have a good deal of respect for Nathan Myhrvold when he ran Microsfot Research - he seemed to be an innovative thinker willing to take chances (and watch products bomb) to advance knowledge.

I've just lost that respect.

Microsoft alum Nathan Myhrvold so strongly believes intellectual property is the next software that he's studying for the patent bar exam. His company, Intellectual Ventures, doesn't actually make anything - only patent attorneys roam the hallways. Myhrvold isn't the only true believer. Microsoft, Intel, Sony, Nokia, Apple, Google, and eBay have contributed to a $350M bankroll which the firm is using to buy up existing patents that can be rented to companies who want to produce real products.

(link) [Slashdot]

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