Sat, 06 Aug 2005

Author Brown 'did not plagiarise'

Well, whaddya know? A court actually shows some sense:

"Any slightly similar elements are on the level of generalised or otherwise unprotectable ideas," said Judge Daniels, of the US District Court in New York.

What was unprotectable? What was the plaintiff claiming copyright over?

He [Mr Perdue] alleged that Mr Brown copied the basic premise of Daughter of God, including notions of a "divine feminine" and the transition from a female to a male-dominated church under Roman Emperor Constantine.

Imagine that! The divine feminine cannot be copyrighted! Nor can far-fetched conspiracy theories! What's this world coming to? Sense? One can only hope ...

Da Vinci Code author Dan Brown wins a court ruling against writer Lewis Perdue over charges of plagiarism.

(link) [BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition]

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