The link below is to an enlightening bit of propaganda from a respected Christian magazine on the Olympics, and why they were banned by Theodosius in the 4th century.
Obviously, the editors think rather highly of this late Roman Emperor, and praise his actions:
... on February 24, 391, the emperor began issuing a series of decrees that effectively outlawed Greco-Roman paganism and all the rituals that accompanied it. First, he prohibited pagan sacrifice, including—for the first time—the state ceremonies still practiced in Rome. Then came the closing of all shrines and temples: "No person shall approach the shrines, nor walk through the temples, nor revere the images formed of mortal hands." Next came a law forbidding apostasy from Christianity to paganism, and finally, on November 8, 392, Theodosius declared all sacrifice and divination punishable by death. That meant destroying private altars, domestic idols placed in hearth and kitchen, hanging garlands, etc. Bishop Ambrose was ecstatic, praising "Theodosius who, after the example of Jacob, supplanted perfidious tyrants and banished the idols of the gentiles; who in his faith wiped out all worship of graven images, and trampled down their ceremonies."
If you're still not scared of the group of loonies that's virtually taken over one of the major political parties in the US, read the above again. This is what they ultimately want: the destruction of everything not in accordance with their worldview.
New scholarship on the ancient Olympics reminds Christians why Emperor Theodosius outlawed the event so many centuries ago.
via The Green Man
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