Fri, 13 Aug 2004

Olympic Myths

OK, this guy needs some serious correction:

"Ultimately, it's up to the organizers how they will depict the past," Father Epifanios Economou, spokesman for the Greek Orthodox Church, said of the opening ceremonies. "From what we know, it's going to be a theatrical performance, nothing more, because the religion of the ancient Greeks died 2,000 years ago.

"And it died on its own, starting with the philosophers Plato and Socrates, who denounced it, because they were searching for the real truth. They were searching for seriousness in their religious faith. And the answer was found eventually in the face of Jesus Christ."
May I suggest some reading material for the good father:

The philosophers mentioned by the good father wrote nearly a thousand years before the establishment of Christianity as the offical religion of the Roman Empire. Hellenic Heathenry didn't die of it's own accord, it was murdered by State edict. In fact, most of the spread of Christianity can be attributed to violence and subversion on the part of it's followers, and a too tolerant attitude on the part of it's enemies. When you're a polytheist, it's tough to come down hard on new gods. But go ahead and read the record for yourself. Most people are blissfully unaware how the "Prince of Peace" came to rule Europe by centuries of unremitting warfare.

Olympic organizers, church at odds on mythology's role at games

(link) [Myrtle Beach Online]

via rogueclassicism

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