Wed, 15 Jun 2005

Give Them a Pass to Observe Religion

Asatru gets a mention in a list of religions:

One interfaith calendar lists observances for 26 religions, varying from Asatru, Baha'i and Christianity to Hellenismos, Wicca and Zoroastrian. Next January, 14 sacred events for world religions are listed, including the Sikhs' Maghi; the Mahayana Buddhist New Year; the Baha'is' World Religion Day; Chinese New Year observed by Confucians, Daoists and Buddhists; and Hijra, a New Year celebration observed by Islam.

It ain't much, but every little bit of recognition helps when you're a minority faith! So kudos to the Star for seeing that there are more religions out there than Christianity, Judaism and Islam.

Students should be excused for legitimate religious observances provided schoolwork is made up.

(link) [Indianapolis Star]

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