Sun, 06 Mar 2005

A Moral Vacuum

This was posted recently to a Heathen elist to which I subscribe by my good friend Pat Buck, aka Jordsvin. It was in response to how one behaves when the inevitable missionaries come around. Read it and ponder the wisdom ...

I've told Christians this:

One should envision one's Gods as being at least as good as the best human beings. The best of us would not damn people for eternity for an honest difference of opinion or because they liked to drink beer and get laid. The best of us would not set up eternal torment at all. Your God is less worthy than the best of his admittedly very imperfect human creations. I refuse to worship him on moral grounds. If you ever managed to convince me that Yahweh is running things, I would run, not walk, to the nearest Satanist group and sign on the dotted line in my blood in a New York minute. I hope that I don't live in a universe where the moral high ground is Satanism, but if that should prove be the case, I know where my loyalties would lie.

/Asatru | 0 writebacks | permanent link


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