Wed, 15 Sep 2004

Convert or Get Dumped

Well, you might get dumped anyway! In fact, you probably will!

Some think this is a joke: I've read over the forums, and, well, it's hard to tell. But I'm leaning towards it being a serious effort: wingnuts come in all shapes, after all. And it says something about Christian missionary efforts that such a site could be regarded as serious, even if it is a joke! It gives me hope for Heathenry eventually becoming the majority religion.

Hello, my name is Tamara! As you can probably tell, I'm a Christian who loves Jesus and cares for all humans, even the wicked. What you probably don't know is that I'm hot. My picture below isn't really that good. I want to use my beauty for GOD, and want to encourage my sisters in Christ to do the same, according to the Great Commission.

(link) [Date to Save: Missionary Dating Ministry]

via Pagan Prattle Online

/Asatru | 2 writebacks | permanent link

Kathryn wrote

orangeguru wrote


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