Sat, 29 Mar 2003

A War On This Land

Every once in a while, I run across something on the various Asatru lists to which I'm subbed that bears repeating. This in one such missive, posted here with the permission of my friend Böðvar, with a few links for background added. Read it well and throughly.

From: Böðvar Ásbjörnsson
Date: Sat Mar 29, 2003
Subject: A War On This Land

This war is beginning to get me down.

The guys and gals we've got over there doing their bit are right on

target, but the pundits, retired officers, talking heads, and agents

of doom are beginning to get on my tits!

I also visit (and occasionally clutter up) Dr. Dave Yeagley's web

page, Bad Eagle Forum. For those who don't remember Dr. Y, he's a

Comanche educator in Oklahoma whose writings on tribal, Indian and

political matters I admire, and have praised in many places I've


Today, he wrote a bit about Lori Piestewa, a PFC captured (we hope)

along with the others by the Iraqis a few days ago. She is a PFC

serving in the maintenance company ambushed after making a wrong turn

on the road to support the troops.

She's a daughter of the Hopi people.

I wrote the following in reply.

It cheered me up some.

-- B


Let those reading this feel as they wish to feel about the current


There are folks who honestly and sincerely would stand in front of

tanks, as that chap in Tienamen Square did, to avert a war...any

war. By the time we humans get to the point of war, we've screwed up

pretty badly, and war is never a pretty thing. War is only noble in

history books.

So, my hat's off to those folks. Maybe one day we'll evolve into the

sort of creatures who don't make those stupid mistakes, evolve

governments which don't go from mistake to mistake, and have

neighbors whose actions don't necessitate war.

There are folks who don't like THIS war, thinking it ill-advised and

rash. They cite alternatives and would've counselled caution. They

don't like this administration, or don't trust it, or just don't see

any sense in this. Folks here are allowed to disagree, and it is the

duty of an honest citizen to speak his mind, not just his or her


But then there are folks out there who, honestly, want to see the US

fail. They don't like the government. They don't like their

neighbors. They have some social or ideological or racial or other

reason for disliking the US. They're not all grouped on one end of

the political spectrum, but are all over the place. They hunger to

see the US humbled.

For those people, who don't see how Saddam -- one of the most

malignant public figures since Stalin (hopefully) went to his reward

and Pol Pot checked out -- as a threat, don't see him as a sponsor of

terrorism, don't see any connection between the 9/11 attacks and him,

let me say this:

When the Islamists attacked on September 11th, they attacked holy

ground. There's a lot of talk about a "Holy Land". For me, it isn't

that place, 'way over there, with dusty churches above ground and oil

below, which is holy.

The ground which I walk on is holy.

The ground in which the generations of my family are buried is holy.

The ground which hosts and feeds and enchants my family and kinsmen

today is holy.

When they drove those planes into those buildings and murdered all

those people, they were assaulting holy ground.

Lori might understand that.

My family's only been here since 1635. We've just started our fifth

century this side of the Atlantic. That's only a lunchbreak in the

time Lori's people have been here. But, I bet she'd understand my

feelings about this land, newcomer that I am.

An assault was made on the land of my people, Vinland. It was first

the land of Lori's people. The land, as well as the government, the

people and all the rest, was not only assaulted, it was insulted. It

was the intention of the attackers and those who planned and aided

and cheered the attacks that the land would also be shamed.

It is the land over which the proud Comanche rode like lords.

It is the land over which the Lakota strode proudly and which, after

death, they pulled around themselves like a robe.

It is the land enriched by the bones of the mysterious people of

Hohokam and Clovis.

It is the land watered with the tears of the Cherokee, the frozen

blood of the Cheyenne at the Washita camp, and the sweat of the

Apache people leading a quarter of the US army around the desert.

This Saddam character stood in aid to those who would strike at this

land. His friends would strike at anyone from this land.

Here in Vinland, here in America, here in Turtle Island, here in the

land with your people's name upon it, we know how to deal with such

enemies. We send out our best to thwart their plans, and take their

lives if need be, to visit ruin upon them. We send our very best.

We send people like Lori.

They sent me to Kurdistan the last time this same miscreant acted up,

beating down a proud tribal people. They sent my wife to Bosnia when

Milosevic and his thugs acted up.

This time, though, it's gotten serious. They've sent Lori, and a lot

of other native sons and daughters, and some of my kinsmen, too.

They're the best we have.

I pray to my gods that they needn't cut any more of a swath through

Iraq than needs must, and that as many of them return home as is

divinely possible. But, we know that there will be losses. The

traditions of the many native nations, and of my people as well,

recognize this.

Today, coated in foreign dust, the sons and daughters of this land --

black and white, red and brown when they are at home -- are all the

same color. They are painted the red of fierce and final action.

There's a price to be paid for living on this land. Our best pay it.


-- Böðvar

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