Using the Courts to Wage a War on Gay Marriage
It just amazes me that this firm claims to have been founded to "uphold religious freedoms":
In practice, this has meant representing clients ranging from student evangelists prevented from posting flyers in public schools to public officials fighting to display the Ten Commandments in government offices.
Of course, these freedoms apply to Christinas only:
"Adultery and homosexuality are both against God's will," Mr. Staver said. "Such sinners must be helped."
Since I'm certain that being heathen is "against God's will", too, that makes me a "sinner" in need of their "help". How can I say "No, thank you!", to an offer like that?
Liberty Counsel, a small conservative law firm, has employed a range of legal tactics to fight same-sex marriage across the country.
(link) [New York Times: NYT HomePage]
Admin Note:I've decided to start placing all stories dealing with religion (or any sort) into my 'Asatru' section. I'm not moving any stoies previously posted, however, and may make exceptions for jokes or humor - depends on if they're downright funny or just plain sadly stupid.
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