Pope Assails Secularism, Adding Footnote on Jihad

News flash! Pot calls Kettle Black! Crusades Good, Jihad Bad!

While his predecessors were certainly concerned about Mohammad ordering conversions by the sword, they certainly didn't believe that violent conversion is contrary to reason and thus “contrary to God’s nature”. As long as it was conversion to Christianity, and specifically the Catholic variety. On the off chance that this is not an intentional blind spot, I'd suggest a bit of a history refresher for the good Pope. There's lots of material to cover, but he could start here. After this refresher, maybe he'd consider an apology.

Don't hold your breath.

In a speech on Western science and philosophy, the pope said jihadi violence is contrary to reason and God’s plan.

(link) [New York Times]

22:23 /Asatru | 1 comment | permanent link